Dear Residents
Welcome to the latest newsletter from the St. Katharine and Wapping Safer Neighbourhood Ward Panel. We are a non-political voluntary group working with the Police Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT), the London Borough of Tower Hamlets (LBTH) and Residents to make our ward a better and safer place in which to live and work.
The main issues since the last newsletter:
1) Ward Priorities. The Met. have designated that the first priority across the capital will no longer be set by ward panels in consultation with residents but by the Borough Command Unit (BCU). This is violence related or where a vehicle is being driven in a violent manner. Ward panels will be able to set a minimum of two local priorities, agreed with their local SNT. This is pending a public meeting, which we hope to hold in the first quarter of 2022, to receive residents’ input.
The changed priorities for our ward panel as agreed with the SNT are:
Priority 1 – Violence which includes behaviour by gangs, drug involvement, domestic assaults, anti-social behaviour (ASB) linked to any violent act.
Priority 2 – Dangerous driving and speeding.
Priority 3 – General ASB.
2) Late Night Walkabout. This is scheduled for Friday 24th September from 21.30. Meet at Wapping Station. Further details to follow. Residents are invited to join the SNT, Council enforcement officers (THEOs), Partnership Task Force (PTF), ASB officers and Ward Panel members. We will visit night-time ASB trouble spots to better understand the problems local residents face.
3) Public space Protection Order (PSPO) for Nitrous Oxide. This was introduced in May this year and allows the Police and Council enforcement officers to fine offenders a fixed penalty of £100 if caught using nitrous oxide. Local residents were key participants in providing the Council data allowing them to introduce the PSPO.
4) National ASB Awareness Week 19th-25th July. As dates were decided centrally we had no local leeway. We are aware that many residents who were working during the daytime were unable to attend meetings. The SNT has agreed to arrange a weekend general meeting along with our local councillors and Ward Panel members. Date to be announced.
5) Speed Gun Exercises. Some have already been held and several drivers given verbal warnings. More will follow with a community exercise in which residents can be involved.
6) Bike Marking Event. This was well attended at St George’s Town Hall on 30th May with over 70 bikes registered and marked with Smart Water, enabling their return if stolen and recovered. More events to follow, which will include marking both scooters and motorbikes.
7) Other ASB issues.
Earlier this month the council funded Partnership Task force (PTF) arrested the occupants of a car being driven poorly near Shadwell Basin. The vehicle was uninsured and a large quantity of cash was found, along with heroin and cocaine. More drugs and cash were found when the occupants’ home addresses were searched. Analysis of the drugs found and their phones is being conducted so the correct charges can be brought against them.
An online community meeting was held on August 10th organised by the Police and Council. A presentation was made by Marcus Barnett, the Borough Commander (BC), and residents were given the opportunity to ask questions. (Slides awaited from Sirajul Islam, Deputy Mayor, Cabinet Mayor for Community Safety and Equality.)
The same hotspots remain problem areas as detailed in the previous newsletter. At the request of the Ward Panel, the Council has moved a CCTV camera to provide cover in St Katherines Way.
8) Shadwell Basin. The Community Safety Partnership (CSP) continue to oversee the action plan here. New throw lines and signs have been installed. We are awaiting further plans from the design team led by Alice Bigelow, Parks Manager, LBTH.
9) Graffiti and Fly Posting/Fly Tipping. We would like to thank The Graffiti and Community Payback Team led by Christine Gennings which do a fantastic job removing graffiti very quickly, often within a day or two of it being reported. Please continue to report using the link
10) Liveable Streets. The programme of improvements is well underway. We hope the Council will plant and maintain the new areas set aside in the widened pavements and planters. This may be an opportunity for local businesses and groups of residents to adopt a flower bed to improve the appearance of the neighbourhood. Further information on the programme can be found at
11) Residents Development Network (RDN). More than 50 developments and blocks of flats have now been linked to share local intelligence on ASB and issues that affect the community. We hope to hold a face-to-face meeting in 2022. Please contact to arrange a meeting if you are interested in linking your development.
12) New email for SNT
St Katherine and Wapping SNT is now at
Phone 0208 721 2854. This email and phone are not monitored 24/7 so for a faster response see below.
The team is led by Sgt. Natalie Smart. The dedicated Ward Officers are PC Abdul Moulvi, PC Patrick Somers and PCSO Sandra De Sousa
Please report any crime or anti-social behaviour you witness in a timely manner to help the police and council to respond and to map the location and time of persistent problems. Go to our website to see the best reporting method to use. Remember, if a crime is in progress phone 999. For ASB phone 101 for the police or use one of the web links provided on our website.
Ward Panel Newsletter Sept 2021.pdf
St. Katharine and Wapping Safer Neighbourhood Ward Panel September 2021